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We have roof rack solutions for just about any vehicle - with a well stocked showroom.

Roof racks fitted here at our shop in Walmer, PE - or distributed anywhere in the country.

Roof Racks

Gutterless Aerobar Holdfast Phoenix Roof Racks Port Elizabeth

HoldFast Phoenix CAB Soln


Canopy Holdfast Phoenix Roof Racks Port Elizabeth

HoldFast Phoenix CANOPY Soln



Annodized Aluminium Aero Bar with T-Track.
Unique clamping kit attaches to each vehicle.

Annodized Aluminium Aero Bar with T-Track.
Feet are bolted onto canopy.

Rail Mount Roof Rack Port Elizabeth

HoldFast Phoenix RAIL Soln




Annodized Aluminium Aero Bar with T-Track.
Clamps work with most RAISED rails.

Holdfast Gutterless Roof Racks PE

Classic GUTTERLESS soln for older model cars



Classic rectangular Black Bar.

Cast Aluminium feet plus unique clamping kit for each vehicle.

Gutter Mount Roof Racks Port Elizabeth

Classic GUTTER soln with STANDARD feet



Gutter mount roof racks PE

Classic GUTTER soln with ECONO feet



Classic rectangular Black Bar.

Cast Aluminium feet for cars with gutters.

Standard and High foot version available.

Classic rectangular Black Bar.

Powder Coated mild-steel feet for cars with gutters.

Rail Mount racks Port Elizabeth

Classic RAIL soln




Utility universal roof rack Port Elizabeth

Utility rack with suction feet and webbing strap




For vehicles with rails - need to be fairly small, narrow rails and the rails need to stand quite high from the car in order to be able to work underneath to insert and tighten the bolts.

If no fitment for your car, then these UNIVERSAL ROOF RACKS may be the answer.

Universal SOFTRACK





Utility universal roof rack Port Elizabeth

If no fitment for your car, then these UNIVERSAL ROOF RACKS may be the answer. Aluminium tubes embedded in the foam provides support and stability for heavier loads, ensuring you don't dent the roof.

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